Friday, January 26, 2007


Books Books Books on the new Generation Millenial

Want to know what's going on in the new generation? Well, not much good I'm sad to report... But you can find it all for yourself in our quick guide to the latest books on the new generation (the Millennials, as I've heard people referring it):

GENERATION ME by Jean M. Twenge
This book is a total whirlwind look at trends in child education and upbringing. After reading this I was forced to look at the burgeoning society in a totally different light. According to the author, our young kids are being brought up with an overinflated sense of self esteem resulting in an unpractical sense of self entitlement and narcissism. Whats more, we are teaching kids how to pass the buck and not own up to personal responsibilities because they feel too unique to deal with them.
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GENERATION DEBT by Anya Kamenetz
What started out as a journalism piece for young author, Anya Kamentz, at The Village Voice, turned into a literary quest to discover answers for her generation about what young people feel about the state of the economy and how they fit into it.
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A pediatrician's point of view on what's going on with kids these days and what we as educators, parents, and young adults can do to find solutions for the future of the Millennials. Extensive case history and testimonial interviews from many of his patients and their parents. A little bit touchy feely, but a fresh approach from standard economic and social analysis.
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STRAPPED by Tamara Draut
The shortest of the books in the group, this one is a quick read and if you're short on time and patience, probably a good overview of the basic themes running through all of these books. Definitely a good starter if you are curious of the topic. This book talks in more political and socioeconomic senses, basically placing blame on the corporates and politicians (and I'm all for that). The basic point here is, everyone needs a college degree to get a good place in the workforce, but the cost of college is rising, so today's young kids are basically trapped if they want to aim high but don't have the financial means to do it. The last chapter also has strong points about getting politically involved in preventing further decline.
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