Wednesday, January 03, 2007



I totally stumbled across an interesting group of money saving folks on a mission called "The Compact." Apparently they are a local group that began in 2005 and became very popular across the world because of their vow to not buy anything brand new for a whole year. Their vantage point was to not fall into a wasteful consumerism cycle and keep buying new junk, but I think its also great from a money saving viewpoint as well. The rules are necessary items such as food and personal safety and hygene are exempted and everything else must be aquired at a second hand retailer or through a private party, and yes it all has to be preowned stuff.

Heck, that's pretty much what I do anyhow so I coulda been in this group like ten years before it even started!

They got a Yahoo group so join if you are interested!

Here's some more info on them:

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