Friday, January 12, 2007


Swap Thing

So there is a new online swapping site I found and was wondering if anyone out there has used it...
Probably not. I perused it for about an hour or so and just couldn't really feel comfortable with it. It's really empty feeling, much like all the other trading sites on the net. I'm becoming convinced that there are some things that just do not work on the net and trading is one of them...

Firstly, there is no way to find out the reliability of the person you might be dealing with. Of course there is an option to ask the trader questions by sending a message, but it somehow feels like a shot in the dark if you're sucker enough to even try.

Secondly, the items are not even cataloged nor listed very efficiently. Typing in any random keyword in the search box will certainly give you twice the random. I did like however that there was a way to search by city. I found somewone who was out to trade a whole kitty litter of Lilian Jackson Braun novels in the SF Bay Area. hahaha.

Thirdly, there is no place available to properly describe the items up for trade. No place to learn more specific information about age, condition, special features, nothing!

Ok. I've wasted enough time on this site. Hit me back and let me know what you think or what you r experiences with it are.

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