Sunday, April 08, 2007


San Francisco in JELLO??

This is an absolute phenomenon by local SF jello artist Liz Hickok. Check out her portfoilio! It's amazing. Who knew jello was such a creative force. I was always into jiggling but that's about as adventurous as I got. Hahaha.

Here's what she says about her SF masterpiece:
This project consists of photographs and video, which depict various San Francisco landscapes. I make the landscapes by constructing scale models of the architectural elements which I use to make molds. I then cast the buildings in Jell-O. Similar to making a movie set, I add backdrops, which I often paint, and elements such as mountains or trees, and then I dramatically light the scenes from the back or underneath. The Jell-O sculptures quickly decay, leaving the photographs and video as the remains.

More info here:

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