Wednesday, January 31, 2007



Here's something you won't want to miss. 111 Minna is always a classy place and full of interesting surprises. Hope this turns out to be one of those. And since one of our old copatriots, SF Station is involved, then I think it's safe to say this will be a great event. And if not, hey they've got classy beers on tap!

111 Minna Street Gallery

111 Minna Street
San Francisco, CA 94105
cross street: between New Montgomery & 2nd
district: Downtown/Financial District

Join us at 111 Minna Gallery for My Bloody Valentine. A perfect one stop shop for all your Valentine needs. Grab a cocktail and shake what your mama gave you while shopping and supporting local designers at one of the city's favorite venues. Happy Hour prices and free admission until 9pm.

DATE: Feb 2, 2007
TIME: 5-9pm
PLACE: 111 Minna Gallery (between 2nd and New Montgomery)

Designers contact: for booth information

Friday, January 26, 2007


Books Books Books on the new Generation Millenial

Want to know what's going on in the new generation? Well, not much good I'm sad to report... But you can find it all for yourself in our quick guide to the latest books on the new generation (the Millennials, as I've heard people referring it):

GENERATION ME by Jean M. Twenge
This book is a total whirlwind look at trends in child education and upbringing. After reading this I was forced to look at the burgeoning society in a totally different light. According to the author, our young kids are being brought up with an overinflated sense of self esteem resulting in an unpractical sense of self entitlement and narcissism. Whats more, we are teaching kids how to pass the buck and not own up to personal responsibilities because they feel too unique to deal with them.
Find out what others said on Amazon about it
Find it at San Francisco Public Library

GENERATION DEBT by Anya Kamenetz
What started out as a journalism piece for young author, Anya Kamentz, at The Village Voice, turned into a literary quest to discover answers for her generation about what young people feel about the state of the economy and how they fit into it.
Find out what others said on Amazon about it
Find it at San Francisco Public Library

A pediatrician's point of view on what's going on with kids these days and what we as educators, parents, and young adults can do to find solutions for the future of the Millennials. Extensive case history and testimonial interviews from many of his patients and their parents. A little bit touchy feely, but a fresh approach from standard economic and social analysis.
Find out what others said about it on Amazon
Find it at San Francisco Public Library

STRAPPED by Tamara Draut
The shortest of the books in the group, this one is a quick read and if you're short on time and patience, probably a good overview of the basic themes running through all of these books. Definitely a good starter if you are curious of the topic. This book talks in more political and socioeconomic senses, basically placing blame on the corporates and politicians (and I'm all for that). The basic point here is, everyone needs a college degree to get a good place in the workforce, but the cost of college is rising, so today's young kids are basically trapped if they want to aim high but don't have the financial means to do it. The last chapter also has strong points about getting politically involved in preventing further decline.
Find it on Amazon
Find it at San Francisco Public Library

Saturday, January 20, 2007



Today I was searching for discount codes and coupons while looking to buy some ink carts for my printer.
I found this totally rocking deal site by the name of:

On it you can find general deal notices and info and even separate sites with more specific subcategories like digital cameras, women's interest stuff, ink carts, mac products, and even RAM! (Co-workers here have told me RAM prices fluctuate heavily so this explains it).

Separate sites are pretty cool but even more cool are some great customizable features within all of the sites. You can set up an account for email notices and instruct the site to notify you when something of interest on their site arises. A great example is when sales by a major retailer comes up, an email will be sent to your desired account and tell you what is up. Also you can be notified when a coupon by a manufacturer or retailer gets published. Also, my favorite, you can be notified when a desired product reaches below a price set by the user.

I am looking out for a new DSLR camera and I know exactly how much I can afford to spend, so I spent a good amount of time researching the product for me. And I told the site to let me know when a retailer sells for below that price so I know exactly when to go for it!
(just hope i got the funds available then :)


Love (homemade) robots?

FREE meet the scientist/artist who makes Robots from found objects - Oakland Library

Date:Saturday February 10, 2007
Time:2:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Location:Lakeview Branch Library - Oakland

You know and I know this event is gonna be really really awesome! I will sooooo be there! See you all at the robot takeover.

Scientist and artist Richard Amoroso shares some of the imaginative robots he’s made from found objects. An artist’s reception will take place on:
Saturday, February 10, 2 to 4 pm.
Lakeview Branch, Through February 28, 2007

Location info:
550 El Embarcadero
Oakland, CA 94610


Pandora's Trunk Art and Fashion Party

Date:Saturday February 3, 2007
Time:1:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Location:916 Natoma St, SoMa SF CA 94103

I have been to this gathering previously and although it is nothing mainstream and there are not always a huge amount of folks, there is some very interesting artists who make and show original and somewhat practical and interesting clothing pieces for your enjoyment. This is certainly one of a very small handful of places you can go to find truly original and local based fashion designs.

Pandora's Trunk
An eclectic bi-monthly fashion/arts party
FREE admission - live music - free drinks
twisted indie artists
art/fashion production/performance
fashion and accessories designers & sample sale
gourmet food & massage
and doc popular, a yo-yo master

February 3, 2007
1-7 PM

916 Natoma St, SoMa
SF CA 94103


College Financial Aide Seminar!

Date:Saturday January 27, 2007
Time:1:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Location:Bayview Hunter's Point YMCA 1601 Lane St.
San Francisco College Access Center presents:
Cash for College

I will be going to this to find out how to pay for more college, but ALSO I'm really looking forward to riding the new MUNI 3rd Street Light Rail! Hope to see you all there if you are young adult w/o money like me gearing up for more school or if you are an adult who has kids or know kids who need financial help with paying for college. It's important yo!
Don't forget these things since they will help you get the most out of the seminar:
and some stuff that is important to do to prepare for the seminar:

Various workshops about financial aid will take place around San
Francisco. All workshops are FREE and are aimed to help high school
seniors and their families to obtain state and federal grants to attend
college. The workshops include a comprehensive overview of the Free
Application For Student Aid (FAFSA), and information about grants and
scholarships. Individual financial aid advising will also be available.
High School seniors have the opportunity to receive a $1000 scholarship.

Main office number: (415) 822-7728
Office fax number: (415) 822-7769

 1601 Lane St.
SF, CA 94903
(See a map)

Web Site:

 101 South to 3rd St exit. Continue down third St to Lane/3rd St. merge onto lane St. Go straigt to Revere St. and you will see the building in front of you.
Nearest Metro/Subway Stop: 15 Kearny - soon to be light rail,
Walk distance (in minutes): 1 block
Nearest Bus Stop: 44/54 lines, 1 block minute walk

P.S. If you miss it the event will repeat all over Northern Cail, but the next in the area will be:

Date:Saturday February 17, 2007
Time:1:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Location:Main Library - 5th Floor computer lab - 100 Larkin St. @ Grove

Friday, January 12, 2007


Swap Thing

So there is a new online swapping site I found and was wondering if anyone out there has used it...
Probably not. I perused it for about an hour or so and just couldn't really feel comfortable with it. It's really empty feeling, much like all the other trading sites on the net. I'm becoming convinced that there are some things that just do not work on the net and trading is one of them...

Firstly, there is no way to find out the reliability of the person you might be dealing with. Of course there is an option to ask the trader questions by sending a message, but it somehow feels like a shot in the dark if you're sucker enough to even try.

Secondly, the items are not even cataloged nor listed very efficiently. Typing in any random keyword in the search box will certainly give you twice the random. I did like however that there was a way to search by city. I found somewone who was out to trade a whole kitty litter of Lilian Jackson Braun novels in the SF Bay Area. hahaha.

Thirdly, there is no place available to properly describe the items up for trade. No place to learn more specific information about age, condition, special features, nothing!

Ok. I've wasted enough time on this site. Hit me back and let me know what you think or what you r experiences with it are.


Reducing your credit card interest rate

Here is some important info I cut and pasted from a great yahoo group I just joined. These people are extremely active and post very regularly. You can find lots of great info just like this by joining their group!

In, "diana.faust" wrote:

I have used the following technique over and over again throughout the years as a way to pay off credit cards faster: Call and ask your credit co's for a lower interest rate! My friends are always surprised that they will almost always lower it for you! Even a few points off is savings for you, but I treat it as a game to see how low I can get them to go!

Wording is key. Call your credit card companies (all of them; hey, might as well!) and say,
"I have been getting some credit card offers in the mail who want me to switch my balance
to their card. Before I do that, I wanted to find out if you will lower my interest rate.
***What is the lowest interest rate you can give me?**" (**Important to ask it just like this!
It makes them aim lower than they ordinarily would.)

Often they will ask you "What rate is the other company offering?" They are fishing for
info. You can tell them "It's low enough for the next year that I am considering taking it."
(Most of those great offers are below 5% for 6 mos or a yr max. You co. will tell you "that's
just a temporary rate," and you can tell them that you understand that, which is why you
are calling to see how low a rate you guys can offer me.)

Your card doesn't want to lose your business, esp. if you carry a balance (you are their
bread and butter!) So they will almost always offer you a lower interest rate. If they offer
you something very low (5% or less), even for a limited time, take it and say "Thanks!"

However, if they lower it just a few points, don't let them stop there. (Remember, this
whole thing is a game, so in your mind you can treat it like fun: How low can ya go? You
are already being outrageous to ask in the first place; why not push it further?)

The next question is, "Is that the absolute best you can do?" If they say, "Yes," then ask,
"Can I speak to a manager about this? I really don't want to take my business elsewhere."

Generally when the manager comes on the line, they will give you a rate that they won't
budge from. Go ahead and take it! Anything that lowers your interest rate even just a few
points helps you pay off your debt. And you'll feel really smart for asking!

-- Diana, LA, CA

Thursday, January 04, 2007


Goldstar Events

Here is a posting for a website we have been using for a while and have tested out. I went to see Paul Mooney (That's right folk Negrodamus himself) at the Cobb Comedy Club in SF, on a half price ticket I got through these people. They focus a little too much on drama stuff for me but if that's what ur into it's probably perfect for you. Check em' out here:

Wednesday, January 03, 2007


Garbage Scout missing??

Has anyone seen or heard what happened to ?

I hope the little guy is ok... For anyone who doesn't know about this nifty site, it is a map of the local bay area with photo links sent in by users that pinpoint and display trash finds in their areas. If you see anything of interest directions to the X are given and from there it's a pirates pillage!

Here's more info about it:


Another place to get rid of and accumulate!

Here's a link we found here that might help you get into a community of people that sell used or share second hand stuff:

Once we find something cool we might wanna go after on this site we will give you a report of what happens. In the meantime try it out and tell us how it went!



I totally stumbled across an interesting group of money saving folks on a mission called "The Compact." Apparently they are a local group that began in 2005 and became very popular across the world because of their vow to not buy anything brand new for a whole year. Their vantage point was to not fall into a wasteful consumerism cycle and keep buying new junk, but I think its also great from a money saving viewpoint as well. The rules are necessary items such as food and personal safety and hygene are exempted and everything else must be aquired at a second hand retailer or through a private party, and yes it all has to be preowned stuff.

Heck, that's pretty much what I do anyhow so I coulda been in this group like ten years before it even started!

They got a Yahoo group so join if you are interested!

Here's some more info on them:

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